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About Us

This Is Our Vision

The New Solid Rock Fellowship Church has been called and appointed of God to be a church where –
  • God is exalted above all things through anointed preaching, teaching, reaching, prayer, praise, and worship

  • Members and visiting guests are bonded together in love

  • True worship is taught and experienced

  • The gifts of the spirit are in operation under the leading of the Holy Spirit

  • Ministries focus on the spiritual and natural needs of its members and the world community

  • The lives and lifestyles of its members are testimonies of the practical application of the preached Word of God

Why We Exist

To draw lost, un-churched, hurting people to a new life in Jesus Christ where they will find new hope, new dreams, and fresh visions of their own, and – To provide a refuge where people can come and receive unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness, and restoration through Jesus Christ – The Solid Rock.

Our Ministry Advisory Team

Our team of Pastors and Youth Leaders work together to build life-giving relationships and serve everyone around us in love.

Pastors Ernest & Brenda Sewell

Founding Pastors

Pastors Ernest M. and Brenda J. Sewell stand out as a husband and wife team not because of clout, career, or connections.  But rather they are extraordinary because of God’s calling and anointing on their lives.

God called them into His ministry after having blessed them with successful careers in business and public education.  For many years they served as ministers of the Gospel at Christian Life Church, Patterson Avenue and Liberty Road, Baltimore, Maryland, under the pastorship of Rev. J. Luther Carroll.  While at Christian Life they directed the Evangelism Ministry and served faithfully in other ministries of the church.

Rev. Terrye Moore

Senior Pastor

Rev. Terrye Moore accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior in 1971 and as she grew in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ, she sought and subsequently received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  She is an avid student of God’s Word.

She has used her gifts of ministry and leadership in various ways to the glory of God, ministering to youth and women through serving as a Member, Youth Leader and member of the Scholarship Ministry at Christian Life Church, as Assistant Director of the Sisters in Christ – Victorious Ones Women’s Ministry, as Director of Sisters of Substance Women’s Ministry, as Minister, Trustee, and Advisor to the Talitha Cumi (Tee Cee) Girls and TC Teens Ministries, and the Lifted Love Banner Ministry at New Solid Rock Fellowship Church.




Willie Briscoe


Alfonza Jones


Evelyn Parham


Rev. Deborah Vaughn


Rev. Andrea Butts


Levert Moore


Betty Hinson
