Home Comfort

What Is Home Comfort?

Home comfort is more than cool air in the summer and warm air in the winter. In fact, it’s more than just controlling the temperature inside your house. Home comfort is the consistent quality of your total indoor environment. In other words, day in and day out, year after year, is your home as comfortable as it could, and should be? That may be a hard question to answer, so here are a few things to think about.

Do you have a home comfort system that dehumidifies as it cools? Is your indoor air clean and contaminant-free? Is your system quiet and energy efficient? Does it always work reliably when you need it the most? Is every room in your home comfortable, or are some rooms unbearable depending on the season?

Serving Marylanders Since 1942

For more information on any of these products, contact us or give us a call and we will gladly send you more information. 

We can also arrange for a free estimate.


Home Comfort Checklist

By evaluating your current comfort conditions and itemizing your expectations, you’ll be better able to focus on the right solutions for your home. Take a moment to answer the questions in our Home Comfort Check List and then share the results with your dealer. This is the best way to ensure that your comfort needs are met with your new system.

  1. Are your heating, and cooling bills too high?
  2. Is your indoor unit or your outdoor unit (or both) too noisy?
  3. Do you have a problem with humidity in the summer? Or, dry air in the winter?
  4. Are there any rooms in your home that are always too hot or too cold?
  5. Do you have problems with lingering cooking odors?
  6. Do you have pets or do any family members suffer from allergies?
  7. Is your outdoor unit unattractive and not aging well?
  8. Does your system run all the time?
  9. Does your furnace short-cycle, constantly turning off and on?
  10. Is your system difficult to maintain with a filter that’s hard to get to and change?
  11. Is your outdoor unit not backyard-safe?
  12. Did your system warranty end just when you needed it?

What Size System Do I Need?

Why The Right Size System Is So Important.

A system that is too large will cool or heat your house quickly, but you still may not feel comfortable. That’s because it will satisfy the thermostat before it can adequately remove sufficient moisture from the air – which will in summer feel stickier than it should be. And, the stress of short-cycling (too many starts and stops) will shorten the life of your equipment and increase your heating and cooling bills. On the other hand, a system that is too small just cannot get the job done. The air conditioner will run constantly in the summer and the furnace will do the same in winter. Give us a call and we will determine the correct system size needed for your home by doing a room by room load calculation. This heat loss/heat gain analysis is the best indicator of the correct system size.